Documentation of YADYOK Studies


After passing the BUEPT exam, you can obtain a document showing the date you passed the exam, your letter grade, the grade range that your letter grade corresponds to in TOEFL and IELTS exams within the framework of YADYOK regulations, and how many years your exam result is valid.

In order to obtain this document, you need to send your request to with the year and semester you passed BÜYES/BUEPT and a scan of your student ID card.

To obtain documents showing that you are a Boğaziçi University student, you need to log in to and use the button named "Document Request". These documents are prepared and delivered to the students by the Registrar's Office at South Campus.

If students staying in KYK dormitories need to submit documents to their dormitories during the Winter and Spring breaks to prove that they do not have any classes during the break, they can obtain the documents showing that they do not have classes during the Winter and Spring breaks from YADYOK Student Affairs.