Professional Development Unit

Welcome to the Professional Development Unit (PDU) at Bogazici University!

Established in 2023, our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive support and professional development opportunities for our instructors. From pre-service and in-service programs to accreditation and Erasmus plus funding, we prioritize excellence in education. Effective communication is at the core of our approach, ensuring our instructors stay informed and connected. Join us in creating a vibrant community of educators dedicated to continuous growth and success. Explore our website for detailed information on our programs and initiatives.


Mission, Vision and Objectives


To provide comprehensive and innovative continuous professional development programs and support systems that empower all instructors at Bogazici University School of Foreign Languages to enhance their teaching skills, and foster a culture of excellence, sharing and collaboration, which will ultimately have a positive impact on students’ language learning experience.


To be the leading hub of professional growth, collaboration, and pedagogical innovation, recognized for our commitment to equipping instructors with the tools, knowledge, and resources needed to excel in their teaching careers and create a transformative educational experience at Bogazici University School of Foreign Languages.


  1. Conduct ongoing professional needs assessments to identify the specific development needs of our instructors.
  2. Develop and implement professional development programs and schemes, such as INSETs, observation, and induction, aligned with the SFL Teaching Framework to address those identified needs effectively.
  3. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in language teaching and professional development, and provide instructors with comprehensive training on current research and best practices in foreign language learning and teaching.
  4. Encourage instructors to engage in self-directed professional development activities and maintain records for future reference and review.
  5. Provide feedback to instructors in accordance with the CEFR, EAQUALS, and YOKAK standards to ensure continuous improvement in teaching quality and professional growth.
  6. Foster open and ongoing communication with all stakeholders, including instructors, administrative staff, and other offices, to promote effective collaboration, knowledge sharing, and idea exchange among instructors.
PDU Programs& Schemes

Standards and BU SFL Teaching Framework

At the PDU, we adhere to a comprehensive teaching framework that serves as a reference for effective teaching practices at YADYOK. This framework not only provides guidance for individual instructors but also establishes a unified approach across our institution. It incorporates valuable input from both our students and instructors.

To ensure its robustness, we have drawn from reputable international standards, including the European Profiling Grid by Eaquals, the Cambridge English Teaching Framework, and the Continuing Professional Development Framework by the British Council. By aligning our teaching practices with these esteemed standards, we strive to provide an exceptional learning experience for our students and support the professional growth of our instructors.

You can access the YADYOK Teaching Framework by clicking here.


In-House Training at YADYOK
PDU Library & Useful Links and Resources for Instructors

PDU Library:

PDU has a collection of methodology, activity and resource books. SFL Instructors can visit PDU to borrow some books that would help them with their teaching and/or research. You can access PDU library's book catalog from here.

Useful Webinar Videos:

Useful Websites:

Useful Online Tools:


Contact our PDU Members

Follow us on social media. 

Reach us 

Our team:


Melek Aydoğan Koral

Instructor & PDU Member               

First Year In-Service Program Leader

Anadolu Hisari Campus

School of Foreign Languages

Long Hall PDU Office

Office: 4856





Sinem Yılmaz Demir

Instructor & PDU Member

On-going In-service Program Leader

Anadolu Hisari Campus

School of Foreign Languages

Long Hall PDU Office

Office: 4856